Once again I meet a ‘new’ Claire,  less playful and girly but
more professionial this time. We meet at AMD, where she
studies fashion journalism and I am surprised that inspite of
her very youthful face she looks more like a young professor
than a student. With a clean hairdo and a sleek silhouette, no
accessories and high heels she creates a dramatically different
impression and manages to define herself in a whole new way.
Still the Claire that I know – trendy, edgy, striking – but this
time very sophistiated and ‘in contol’, she knows very well
how to communicate with fashion, to let the world know who
she is or wants to be. Claire knows how to tell a story, to draw
a picture and inspire imaginations by the way she dresses. She
speaks ‘fashion’ fluently – no words needed.

Claire a jacket by H+M, a blouse by Weekday, a ‘Cheap Monday
jeans and shoes with transparent heels by asos.




























@ Julia Richter





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