*141 Joerg

Navy and White – that’s as classic as you can go. School uniforms, nautical dress code, marine, business people. The colors of respectability and correctness. People who wear navy and white don’t mess around. But what if a person who is dressed navy and white from head to toe (and wears a gold watch – … Continue Reading

*140 Gunnar

Looking at Gunnar the first thing that pops up in my mind is ‘great colour range!’ (I admit, it’s a bit on the autumny side for end of June but this week does feel a bit like ‘English Summer’ indeed). Shades of blue and brown are like sky and earth, sea and mountain, steel and … Continue Reading

*139 Susanne

Never match. That’a a rule for a lot of fashion-forward people. Matching is considered dated and conservative – like Margaret Thatcher or HRH Queen Elisabeth – hat, handbag, pumps and poodle, all the same color. It’s so much more progressive if you just throw some random pieces together. Immediately you get that eclectic, much-travelled, non-conformist … Continue Reading

*138 The Good Things – Summer

Summer, my friend, I waited so long for you to come. You shall not leave soon again. I will do all I can to make you want to stay. You make me happy and wrinkle-free. I wear flowers and beads to worship your beauty. I am a nicer person when you are around. Please stay. … Continue Reading

*137 Dodo

Did you notice slight changes? There is something going on. I can see it. Dodo has always been a very progressive dresser, always liked the ‘avantgarde’ style, appreciated well thought-out design with a smart twist. But now it’s a little different. More….expressionist. The new haircut is very 1920s silent-movie star and her her style seems … Continue Reading

*136 Brigitta and Clara..

..or camera and champagne cork. Both women are in a state of excitement, because they both have an important event coming up, something they put a lot of time, effort and commitment into. Brigitta has the art opening for her solo show ahead of her on June 7th (her partner and her have a show … Continue Reading

*134 Dodo’s Shoes

A pair of shoes can tell you a lot about a person. And how much more information do I get when I see a whole pile of shoes that belongs to that same person. While trying to decide what to wear for a fancy night out in Paris Dodo pulls out a bunch of her … Continue Reading

*133 Joerg

This is what I imagine Wassily Kandinsky to look like – hanging out and painting in his house in Murnau during the summer with his sweetheart Gabriele Münter beginning of the 20th century . I am sure his hair was never nearly as long as Joerg’s and it is very unlikely that his beard ever … Continue Reading

*132 Dodo

It’s almost May and it’s freezing cold when I arrive in Paris. It’s also raining. The day before it had been really warm and sunny. I am not dissapointed at all because I am used to it. It’s always like that when I go to Paris (or Berlin). But at least I get to see … Continue Reading

*130 Corey

On our trip to Istanbul we know three things for sure: We HAVE to go to the Grand Bazaar, we HAVE to visit a Hamam and we HAVE to see the Blue Mosque. Hundreds of shopping bags and a head-to-toe body scrub later Grand Bazaar and Hamam are off the list so finally we head … Continue Reading

*128 Clara

Certain brands have a certain image. Most of the time it’s a calculated image, a well-thought-out strategy created by a clever marketing team. But sometimes the unpredictable happens and for some reason a brand becomes popular in circles that were not intended to be the target group. Good example is Cazal eyewear: Cari Zalloni had … Continue Reading

*127 Susanne

Lavender and lilac are tricky colors. Very hard to wear, can make you look pale and lifeless, stands for a certain kind of old ladies’ look. On the other hand they are the colors of spring and summer, first bloom, beautiful scents and if you pick the right colors to go along with them (like … Continue Reading