*224 Brigitta and Clara

A navy coat is what you need this fall. If two of the most stylish women I know show up in a double-breasted navy coat it surely is a must-have. I thank my lucky stars that I have got two of them in my wardrobe already. Three, actually. But the third one doesn’t really count, … Continue Reading

*223 Corey

‘Is there a typical ‘Berlin style’?’ That’s what my friend Corey from Los Angeles asks me, when we meet in Berlin to see what Germany’s capital has to offer in terms of fashion and trends. ‘I don’t really think so’ I answer honestly, considering globalization, internet and big trends having evaporized into fashion nirvana. Corey … Continue Reading

*222 Olivia

Outdoor activity and style are not best friends. They don’t even get along very well. That seems to be an unwritten law and based on my personal observations – it’s unfortunately true . If it’s funcional it can’t be goodlooking. Shapeless garments with tons of pockets, zippers and drawstrings in ugly bright colours that don’t … Continue Reading

*220 Dodo

Unbelievable – it’s August again! Hottest month of the year, as good as summer can get. You want to run around in beachwear all day long, pressing an ice-cold cocktail tumbler to your forehead, occasionally sipping from it, drifting into an evening of BBQs and more drinks. Nothing wrong with BBQs and drinks, but unless … Continue Reading

*219 The Aga-Tomlins

It’s been a while since I last saw the Aga-Tomlins and in a way not much but quite a lot has changed since then. The boys are no longer small kids, they slowly become adolescent, carving out their personalities. Do you want to become like your parents…or not? Fulfill expectations…or not? It’s about becoming a … Continue Reading

*218 Clara

There hasn’t been a time when denim was NOT popular since its rebellious appearance on fashion stage in the 50ties. Always a symbol for non-conformism and subtle revolution denim had its heyday in the 70ties with being the symbol for individuality, freedom and peace. It never again rose to that importance ever since. Til now. … Continue Reading

*217 Joerg

Bright yellow flowers are not my favourites. Daffodils, sunflowers, forsythia – I know you exist and you stand for something like spring or summer, but please stay away from my garden and my living room. You are too straightforward for my taste. I like the subtlety of a powdery pink, the mysteriousness of of a … Continue Reading

*216 Julia

‘How do you pick your models?’ Every once in a while I get this question. By what criteria do I choose the models on my blog? They have a great look, sure. But not everyone shares my opinion, I get very different responses on my models. A few are generally perceived as goodlooking, but a … Continue Reading

*215 Gunnar für Strellson

James Bond wears a dinner jacket. The occasion is usually some foreign ambassador’s reception or when he hangs out at some Côte d’Azur casino meeting interesting and/or dangerous people. It’s usually nighttime and the jacket is usually black (teamed up with a black bow tie). So how about stepping out into the daylight with your … Continue Reading

*214 Eleni

Magnolia is my favourite tree. My grandmother used to have an old magnolia tree in her garden. All winter it stood there, brown and leaveless with it’s twisted, knobby branches and twigs, covered in moss. It looked like a relict of a time long gone, dead and forgotten. But once april came along the morphing … Continue Reading

*213 Brigitta for Windsor

A white suit is a real challenge. To get through a whole day without staining is almost impossible – at least for me. But seeing Brigitta in her crisp white suit, looking so immaculate, clean and fresh, makes me want to try it out again this summer. No other colour can make you look so … Continue Reading

*212 Susanne

Sometimes it’s worth taking a closer look. Some people give away little secrets when you look more closely. A hanky with a cute umbrella print in a breast pocket of an office suit, a flower in a button hole. You might be surprised to see that the person behind the cool surface cares for the … Continue Reading