*211 Clara

I don’t know where to begin when I look at Clara’s outfit. I am in awe. If I told somebody that she wore a pants/top ensemble printed allover with little colourful ice-cream cones, a huge colourful indian scarf wrapped several times around her head and a floor-length trenchcoat he would probably think she is either … Continue Reading

*210 Debbie

You can build your style around your hair that’s for sure. You can even form a band around your hair. Deborah Harry aka Blondie did it. Her band’s name was Blondie, referring to her signature mop of platinum blonde hair. But just having good hair structure and a bottle of peroxide is surely not enough … Continue Reading

*209 Julia

Bringing a Burberry coat to London feels like carrying coals to Newcastle. But it’s also a confirmation that your money was well spent. Once again you know why a good trenchcoat is not only a fashion item but a well designed and developed survival item. And you know why it was invented in London. Springtime … Continue Reading

*207 Corey

Culottes are the epitome of unsexy. At least in a man’s opinion. They are just too practical. And they don’t leave room for imagination. The wind doesn’t get caught in them and sends them flying. IF the wind gets caught it just blows them up like a hot air balloon. I am not a big … Continue Reading

*206 Susanne

Moving away from your hometown, your family and your old friends bears great possibilities. It gives you the chance to reinvent yourself. Have a fresh start. Being at home is great – your family is there, you have your old pals gathered around you, some of them have been with you since kindergarden. They know … Continue Reading

*205 Olivia

When does a child turn into an adolescent? When it turns 13 and becomes a ‘teenager’? When the body starts showing changes? Thinking back I can petty much put my finger on the point when I started feeling different. It didn’t have anything to do with my physical development (I was a late bloomer anyway) … Continue Reading

*204 Gunnar

I was so happy to see Gunnar open the door of his studio in a bright turquoise jumper. It’s only February, but an increasing desire for colour is slowly building up in my chest. Snow is good, snow is white, snow is cold – but after weeks of snow I am ready for…something else. I … Continue Reading

*203 Julia

What a beautiful dog. Don’t you agree? Soft and silky fur, beautifully sprinkled like a poppyseed muffin, a cute white bib and slightly bicoloured amber eyes. People stop and ask me what kind of dog it is all the time. They get this kind of dreamy look on their face and tell me that they … Continue Reading

*202 Joerg

Today I will not write about fashion. Although Joerg looks absolutely stunning, dressed all black with his beautiful baby-alpaca-fair-trade-awesome-colours-super-soft (-christmas-present-from-his-girlfriend)- scarf and his lord-of-the-manor handmade boots, completed with a casual combat jacket and his signature buttons, very underground/activist/rebel, a bit of Che Guevara……..OK where was I? What I really want to write about is the … Continue Reading

*201 Brigitta

Brigitta and I went to see the Georg Baselitz exhibition in Munich. Colossal paintings, mostly upside down, a few colossal sculptures, all placed in the colossal main hall of Haus der Kunst in Munich. Pretty impressive – if you like that sort of thing. While wandering around, taking in art and trying to take some … Continue Reading

*200 Julia – Merry Christmas!

It’s nice to finish the year with post no. 200. I take that as a good sign for 2015. And I decided not to look back on 2014 with a critical eye. I’ll just see the good things that happened to me. I’ll pat myself on the back a lot. Well done, Julia. That’s definitely … Continue Reading

*199 Clara

Pastels are spring colours. Bollocks. Clara’s colour palette is perfect for this time of the year. Those beautiful pastels are nothing less than beautiful, powerful autumn colors – leafy brown, juicy blackberry, raspberry pink – covered with a thin layer of first snow that fell overnight (only the blueberries could hide under a tree). Or … Continue Reading