*184 Julia

Readers, let me give you one good fashion advice: Buy fancy-coloured shoes. If you have a fashion affinity but lack a bit of fantasy or you don’t have the time to think about your wardrobe too much or your work doesn’t allow you to dress too flamboyantly (but you still want to be detected as … Continue Reading

*182 Susanne

For quite a long time flower prints were predominantely seen on cruises, in bingo halls or around retirement homes. They were said to make their wearer look happy, youthful and lively , their main job was to divert the eye from possible problem areas, and they led their bloomy existances mostly on roomy blouses and … Continue Reading

*181 Julia

First day in Barcelona, the day of my birthday. We took those fancy pictures in the hallway and the elevator of our fancy hotel right before we went out to have dinner in a fancy barcelonian restaurant. Too much ‘fancy’ for your taste? I understand, but ‘fancy’ doesn’t have to mean just trendy and overpriced.’Fancy’ … Continue Reading

*180 Brigitta

Hello No. 7! When I write my little articles I usually look at the picture and (more or less) immediately my mind starts flowing and a topic pops up that I feel like writing about. This time it started a bit more tough-flowing….I didn’t want to talk about ‘Black'(done that already), or Brigitta’s fabulous masculine … Continue Reading

*179 Olivia and Eleni

I am very happy to introduce my newest and youngest models Olivia and her sister Eleni. Equipped with the same gene pool, two years apart in age, they have surprisingly different preferences when it comes to fashion. You might be right to argue that girls that age still reflect their moms taste (as she is … Continue Reading

*178 Julia

Never say never. If somebody had told me a few years back that I would wear a calf length pleated polyester skirt with elastic waistband and a beige millefleur print I would have rolled on the floor with laughter. No way, pal! Those were the kind of skirts we did on special demand for our … Continue Reading

*177 Gunnar

I forgot how much I like navy/green tartan until I saw Gunnar. A flashback to the 80’s, visions of wide shouldered Escada blazers and dresses with heavy gold buttons and pleated bermuda shorts arise – those were the days. Well dressed for the country club and the golf course. Since Gunnar is not really the … Continue Reading

*176 Joerg

When I shoot my models for the blog it usually goes like this: I call them, we arrange a meeting, we drink coffee, we hang out a bit, we take some pictures. That’s what it goes like in my perfect blogger-phantasy-world. In reality some of my models are a bit hard to get. Not because … Continue Reading

*174 Brigitta

When you hear the term ‘art gallery lady’ you probably think about a woman in her 60s with huge asymmetric jewellery, long asymmetric garments (or anything by Yamamoto) and eccentric (sometimes asymmetric) eyewear. At least I do. But maybe I am stuck in old klischees from the 90s. When it had to be some kind … Continue Reading

*172 Susanne

Come on, admit it, it’s pretty cool to wear silver leggings on a bright and sunny day. On the first warm and sunny day of March, when the whole world is trying to absorb as much sunlight as possible, Susanne is giving back the light, reflecting the sunlight. From head to toe. Silver hair, reflecting … Continue Reading

*171 Julia

I don’t know if you have noticed – I’ve changed my hairstyle. Bye-bye catweazle-ish shag, welcome pageboy! The response was quite diverse – from ‘oh, you’ve cut your hair…….’ and ‘wow, you look so different’ to ‘I just don’t like short hair’. It was a little bit unsettling. I did get positive feedback as well … Continue Reading

*170 Clara

What is it with long straight hair? No woman between 14 and 40 seems to have curly or short hair anymore. Did you notice? Once I sat on the terrace of a bar overlooking the parking lot and the entrance area of a really posh club. While sipping on my drink I watched groups of … Continue Reading