I had the honour to meet this lady when I assisted
my then boyfriend/now husband on a photo-shoot.
We were introduced to a fragile 61-year old lady who
wore enormous orange flowers in her pink hair, very
colorful make-up and high heels along with a scarlet,
sequined patchwork tunic that had her signature
(literally) written all over it.
She was very sweet and showed us around her soon
to be opened ‘Fashion and Textile Museum‘
in front of which this picture was taken (she had
changed into a new outfit for us).
As a women who had never been afraid of ‘too much’
she still breaks with conventions up until today.
Zandra Rhodes is a designer whose visions
helped numerous artists to become style icons of
their time – and she became one herself.
I thank my husband Frank Bauer for taking me with
him on this shoot and for this beautiful portrait.