How many pairs of shoes do you really need? Asked
a thousand times before this question is never an easy
one to answer. Most certainly the answer always
depends on who you ask. Is it a man or a woman?
Is it a ‘fashion-person’ or not? Does a certain
indomitable need for shoes run in the family? The list
could be continued and for sure the line to obsession
is a blurry one to cross. Nevertheless I want to jump
at the opportunity and cast some light onto this shady
field (especially for my male visitors) by means of a very
personal example. The facts:
Picture 1 was taken on the day of our arrival in London –
a total of 16 pairs of shoes split between two women
(we started with 14, two pairs were added in Paris).
Picture 2 was taken on the day of our departure four
days later – a total of 22 pairs. You are  entitled to ask
if we really needed so many. But we are not talking
about a need here, we are talking about two people
with a deep love and admiration for fashion, who are
well aware that the choice of footwear can change your
whole outfit. Two women who know that shoes can
transform great styling into a breathtaking eye-catcher
and that a a pair of shoes can give you just the right
attitude and composure that even if worn just once
for a very special occasion – they were not bought
in vain.





























@ Julia Richter


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