What is it with long straight hair? No woman between 14 and 40 seems to have curly or short hair anymore. Did you notice? Once I sat on the terrace of a bar overlooking the parking lot and the entrance area of a really posh club. While sipping on my drink I watched groups of people getting out of their cars and into the club (if they made it past the bouncer). After a while I got really confused – it seemed like the same group of girls was strolling past me over and over again. Like they got into the club through the front door, took the back exit and circled the building just to start all over again in front of me. They were all wearing very short skirts, very high heels, little purses dangling on their skinny arms – and long straight (shiny) hair. You are right, it is indeed not a club known for it’s edginess, but I was still amazed about the uniformity of this look. And you are also right to suspect that I have a bit of a hair fixation originating from pure envy as I am not blessed with thick, healthy looking hair and really long hair will always be out of my reach (unless I am opting for a wig). Why I am telling you all this? Because I DO like long straight (blond) hair, but please, do it right! Don’t tap into the ‘bird’ trap. Femininity and sexyness should come in smalller doses. Just think about those beautiful 70s style icons like Jane Birkin, Francoise Hardy or Joan Baez – mostly seen in flats, with jeans and a shirt (and long straight hair) – adored by men and women alike. For more contempory examples just look at Kate Moss…and Clara, who has got the most beautiful long hair (almost no envy from my side) and really knows how to wear it.

Clara wears leather jacket by Sandro, dress and scarf by A kind of guise, a necklace from her boyfriend and Nike Airmax.


©Julia Richter

One comment

Und ich freu’ mich an der haar-lichen Gleichförmigkeit, weil ich auch nur deshalb nicht selber so eine schöne Mähne habe, weil ich eben keine so schöne Mähne habe. Drum hab’ ich superkurze Haare, die auch supergut aussehen, und laut anderen Leuten nicht so langweilig wären. Vor allem Männer kritisieren nämlich dauernd, dass die, die die schönsten Haare haben, eh nie was damit machen. Denen genügt das Schönsein der Haare alleine nicht. Mir schon, deshalb flaniere ich gern, absolute Bewunderung verströmend, ein paar Minuten hinter solchen Haaren her, wenn’s der Weg grad ergibt.

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