‘Is there a typical ‘Berlin style’?’
That’s what my friend Corey from Los Angeles asks me, when we meet in Berlin to see what Germany’s capital has to offer in terms of fashion and trends. ‘I don’t really think so’ I answer honestly, considering globalization, internet and big trends having evaporized into fashion nirvana. Corey had been to Berlin for the first (and last) time when she was 18 and the wall was still dividing the city. ‘They were all dressed in black, had lots of metal hanging from their bodies and weird half-shaved-off hair’ she remembers.
After 3 days of walking the streets of Berlin, seeing galleries, shops, bars, restaurants and lots and lots of people I can now officially state one thing: There is STILL that typical Berlin style. Slightly modernised but still there. I have never seen so much black in any other city that I’ve been to. It’s not the usual classy and understated black that you get to see a lot in fashion circles – It’s more of an edgy, slightly aggressive kind of black. A bit Rick Owens meets Sid Vicious. Anarchy and Punk. You can still see and feel that typical ‘Berlin spirit’ although Berlin has changed dramatically since those days when the city was an island and trendy Kreuzberg was the epicenter of squatters.

Corey wears a vintage dress, shoes from Moma and was photographed at the Berlinische Galerie.


©Julia Richter

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