The way the Aga Tomlins are dressed is hard to describe. It could
easily be mistaken for a ‘retro’ sort of look, the trendy ‘I-like-to-buy-
my-stuff-in-a-vintage-store’-style. But take a closer look: There is a
little bit of 70s, a hint of ‘little house in the prairie’, a spoonful of turn
of the century, a bit of working class, a bit of ‘Little Lord Fauntleroy’.
So how can you describe that specific style? I think you can’t put a
label on it because the Aga-Tomlins are not reproducing a past style
but creating their own, very personal one. It stands for their way of
thinking, for their believes and their philosphy. And to me it stands
a lot for the soul of East London.


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