‘How do you pick your models?’ Every once in a while I get this question. By what criteria do I choose the models on my blog? They have a great look, sure. But not everyone shares my opinion, I get very different responses on my models. A few are generally perceived as goodlooking, but a few others cause quite diverging reactions. I am always surprised that not everyone sees the same beauty as I do. Is there a guideline for looking good/stylish/interesting? Choose beautiful colours. Have an exciting silhouette. Watch out for the little details like buttons, seams. Use accessories wisely. Have a good hairstyle. Stuff like that usually applies to it, but I guess that’s not enough to make you excited about a person’s appearance. It’s the whole package. The look, the personality and the ability to express their individuality through their style. That’s what I love about every single one of my models. They came up with a look that does not only reflect contemporary fashion but creates a personal language that you learn to understand the better you get to know them. It reflects who they are.
Fashion without personality is just fashion. Fashion with personality is style.
(P.S.: So why does Frank say I look like Victoria Beckham in these pictures? Is that my secret personality?)
Thank you Frank for taking those beautiful pictures ( and making me look like Posh Spice)
and thank you Hans-Georg for providing the awesome location.
Fashion without personality is just fashion. Fashion with personality is style.
(P.S.: So why does Frank say I look like Victoria Beckham in these pictures? Is that my secret personality?)
Thank you Frank for taking those beautiful pictures ( and making me look like Posh Spice)
and thank you Hans-Georg for providing the awesome location.
Julia wears a blouse by And other stories, jeans by G-Star, shoes by Marc O’Polo, a belt by Polo Ralph Lauren, a handbag by Coccinelle, sunglasses by MiuMiu and bangles from different fleamarkets.
Die selbe Frage stelle ich mir auch immer wieder! Wenn ich z.B. von Dingen in meinem Schrank haltlos begeistert bin – wie geht das, dass andere das nicht sehen können? Streichelt die Struktur nicht förmlich ihre Augen? Können sie das Material denn nicht schon beim Hinsehen “spüren”? Beginnen ihre Synapsen denn nicht wild zu feuern, wenn sich die Gedanken ganz von selbst aufmachen, um Kombinationen für dieses wunderbare Stück tragbares Glück zu ersinnen?
Was für mich persönlich Stil ausmacht, ist eine Mischung an Stücken, die man heiß liebt (ganz egal von wem, wie alt, wie teuer sie sind), und so kombiniert, dass das eigene Auge jauchzt. Und wenn man das dann immer macht, dann ist das für mich Stil. Ganz eigenständig, im Takt des Trägers, im Rhythmus seiner Gefühle – so geht Stil für mich. Frei von Namen, Saisonen, Zeiten, höchstens beeinflusst von Wetter und Laune(n), aber immer offen für neue, alte, herrliche Einflüsse.
Liebe Vivien,
ich sehe, wir verstehen uns.