Have you ever worn a pair of white pants for a whole day and NOT soiled them? I haven’t. Either you sit on a dirty bench or you drop your food or someone spills coffee on you. It doesn’t seem to happen when you wear regular old dark pants, or maybe that’s just perception. I have a feeling the minute I put on something white a pack of stains is hard on my heels. And they always get me eventually. They disguise as blueberries, mustard or chocolate, but when they hit their target they snatch off their masks and dissolve into my pure white garment for good. Once they’ve made themselves at home, you cannot conceal them, rub them off or wash them out. You’ll just make things worse. I know there are people who can do it, get stainless through a day, I’m just not one of them. So why putting up with all that trouble, why not just skip the white and go for more pardoning colours? Have you seen the ‘Abbey Road‘ cover by the Beatles, John Lennon wearing that white suit, Jesus like? That’s why. Purity and enlightenment. I want to look like that. A crisp white shirt white pants and white loafers – I want to look effortless immaculate like a young Alain Delon. There’s something special about white. It changes the way you behave. Maybe because it reflects the light and brightens up everything around it. Or because it’s so hard to keep white that you beecome a more attentive person. Or because that certain smell of sunshine and Cote d’Azur takes away all our worries.
Clara wears a customized jeans jacket by H+M, Levi’s pants, a jumper by Acne, a hat by Norse Project and Chucks by Converse.
Illustration by Martin Fengel for Lothringer 13.
©Julia Richter
One comment
Das unangenehme an Weiß sind weniger die Flecken, sondern die Art wie wir uns in Weiß bewegen, um ja keine Flecken abzubekommen. Wir verhalten uns fast paranoid, checken ständig unsere Fleckfreiheit und sind maximal unentspannt. Dabei lässt sich keine andere Sache so schnell wieder rausbleichen – mit hellgelb ginge das nicht.